Lee Posey, former Mayor of Natchitoches, seeks to serve Natchitoches again.
We hear Lee Posey is making quite a run in the race for Mayor of Natchitoches. Folks there will go to the polls on Saturday, March 23. It is our understanding that he is hustling for votes every day and that he has a good organization of supporters behind him. The big thing is to get his supporters out to vote on Election Day.
Lee served eight years as mayor and 20 years on the City Council, so he brings a wealth of knowledge, perspective and a strong desire to continue to serve the community. He has been committed to public service for a lot of years.
He owned and operated Posey’s Sports Center for 36 years. During this time, Lee held leadership roles in various community, Northwestern State University and church organizations. He believes in the principles of personal contribution and the servant-leader concept.
In an earlier statement, the candidate commented on the following concerns:
Crime - Safety for our Families
“Ensuring the safety of our families is a top priority. A prevailing concern within the community is a distinct feeling of insecurity in their residences, on the streets, and within their businesses. I am committed to addressing crime effectively, implementing community-oriented strategies, and work collaboratively with law enforcement to create a secure environment for all. Together, we can build a safer community for our loved ones.”
“The existing municipal administration lacks transparency regarding budgets, grants, expenditures, and crime statistics. All citizens, regardless of the city’s size, are entitled to easily accessible information. Ensuring transparency at the city level fosters a more trustworthy environment. It is crucial for citizens to have confidence in how the city handles its day-to-day and month-to-month operations. Citizens need assurance that their voices are heard and that issues affecting them are being actively addressed.”
Rescinding Utility Rate Increase
“It is clear and evident that the utility rate increase approved and implemented (first increase made in May 2023 with a second scheduled for May 2024) has and will continue to have significant and potentially harmful effects on a wide range of our citizens. By rescinding this rate increase it will alleviate the financial burden on our residents, ensuring that essential services remain affordable for everyone. I will be exploring alternative solutions that will prioritize the financial stability and comfort of our community members. Together, we can work towards a more equitable and sustainable future.
“In addition, Infrastructure, Economic Development, continued support of Northwestern University, and advancement of the Natchitoches NEXT program are top priorities for the further advancement and growth of the community of Natchitoches.
“The core priorities in my life - faith, family, the City of Natchitoches, and Northwestern State University - have guided every step of my actions. My hope is that you will agree; Experience Matters. Choosing me as your next Mayor will lead us towards a prosperous future, fostering a sense of safety and growth within our community under capable leadership. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the citizens of Natchitoches once again.
“I hope you will vote Lee Posey, #26, for Mayor. Together, let’s make a positive impact and shape the future we aspire to in Natchitoches.”
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: President Thomas Jefferson said, “It is immoral to steal from future generations.” Truer today than ever before. The national debt is now $34 trillion. What a shame that we have allowed the politicians to do this to our country. We have fewer and fewer true statesmen and stateswomen.
We Get Letters. It’s always a pleasure to hear from our longtime friend and regular Observations reader, Dr. Ronald Byrd, of South Boston, VA. His most recent thoughts follow.
“With Senator Alan Seabaugh having an office in Many, I look forward to reading information from him regarding what's going on in government down in Baton Rouge, expecting that he'll be featured again in your Observations. This week's article about his work was uplifting, raising my expectations regarding the political climate in my home state. He's off to a great start!”
Doug Reynolds of Florien caught this 13.67 lb. bass on Feb. 14 in Toledo Bend. He weighed in at Buckeye Landing as part of the Toledo Bend Lunker Bass Program.
It was nice to hear from Many native Bob Riser who now is a prominent citizen in El Dorado, AR. He has a position at Southern Bancorp bank there and we hear from him often. Bob sent us a copy of El Dorado Insider, which is a very slick magazine promoting all the good things founds in El Dorado.
At left is Gordon Doerle of Broussard who is the gentleman behind Fish-N-Fuel, the new complex going in at Toledo Town. At right is Blake Byles of Many, the owner of Earthmovers, which is doing the dirt work for the project.
This is a look at the Fish-N-Fuel strip mall that is coming to Toledo Town.
Observations was very pleased Tuesday morning to have a visit from Many contractor Blake Byles who had with him Gordon Doerle, the man behind the massive Fish-N-Fuel complex to be constructed at Toledo Town.
Groundbreaking for the project was held Nov. 20. Blake had the contract to clear the acreage and do all the dirt work, and it has been a massive project. But Blake is the man who can handle it.
Something like 100,000 yards of dirt had to be moved.
There will be a four-acre pond on the property. Because of that, it was decided to put cabins and recreational vehicle hook-ups to make a resort on the property.
We understand that the reception from the community has been great. Some businesses have already agreed to be in the strip mall and others are in various stages.
What is needed now is for Atmos to run gas lines to the property and other properties in the Toledo Town area, which is growing. We understand that it is only four miles away. What about it, Atmos?
Four persons from the Northwestern State University athletic program spoke at an overflow meeting of the Vultures Club in Many on Tuesday, Feb. 20. They were, left to right, Kevin Bostian, Athletic Director; Blaine McCorkle, Head Football Coach; Lacy Prejean, Softball Head Coach; and Brian Kortz, Associate Athletic Director External Operations. They all made a very good presentation. Special guests at the meeting were John Aaron and Rick Hudson of Natchitoches.
Asking for a Lion
My Father, Edward E. Gentry Sr., operated a press clipping service out of our home in Marthaville for many years. At the height of his operation, he subscribed to and read 200 newspapers each day. Other members of the family and I helped him with the business. I was about 12 years old in 1952 when the following event happened.
One newspaper to which he subscribed was the Cleveland [Ohio] Plain Dealer. One day I read an article where the zoo in Cleveland had a young lion, and they were seeking to find it a good home. That struck my fancy, so I immediately got pen in hand and wrote them a letter saying I wanted the lion. I remember being so excited as I took the letter to the mailbox.
I did not tell Mother or Daddy what I had done. A night or two later, for some reason I was sleeping with my Daddy. The lights were out, and we were both almost asleep. It was then I told Daddy what I had done.
He sat up in the bed and exclaimed, “You did what?” I told him again.
“If they give it to you, how are you going to get it down here?” he asked. I told him by train. “How are you going to pay the railroad for doing it?” he inquired. I told him I didn’t know that they would charge.
“A lion will eat a lot of food,” he explained. “What are you going to feed it?” He continued, “Do you have a cage for it? Where are you going to put it?” I didn’t have a single answer to all the questions I didn’t even know existed before bedtime that night.
We didn’t talk about it anymore before falling asleep, but those unanswered questions preyed on my mind. By that point, I began to hope and pray I would not get the lion. In fact, I wrote the zoo another letter the next day telling them that I did not want the lion. But then I worried they might have already shipped it to me.
I remained very apprehensive as each day came and went, and there was no lion. Finally, after about two weeks, I decided they had not shipped the lion, and I was not going to get it. What a relief!
Daddy used that happening to instill a good piece of unspoken advice. He knew the zoo wasn’t going to ship a lion to me. But he asked the pertinent questions I had not thought about. And the event taught me a valuable lesson: Think about what you ask for and all its ramifications before you ask.
I have never offered to take a lion since.